Sunday 26 April 2009

its all by myself

When i fall down this time, completely fall down,
there s actually no one can give me a hand to pull me up
so i crawl and stand up slowly
i had wounds all over myself
when they heal
tas when i realise its tough to be an adult
to get responsible for lots thing
i cant just run away to somewhere

Tuesday 21 April 2009

i jus want to go home find mummy

你想给我安慰 还是想看我的眼泪
流得出的泪水 怎能表达内心的伤悲自

如果我能假装没有所谓 你就不会觉得牵累
你不想说 我不敢讲
不愿让你看透我的卑微 我却爱得好累·

你就于心有溃 觉得我是个负累 
想找办法挽回 对不对

不愿让你看透我的伤悲 不愿看透两个人的结尾 
假如失去了你 在你面前都没有崩溃 
你可能会以为 我们爱的不够 对不对